Lion On Films (Volume 2)

Once upon a time, I was checking the customer reviews on the movie discs “Fanny and Alexander”  (The Criterion Collection Version) in Amazon randomly. And I have seen “the most helpful critical review” published by an professor of economics who came from Ingmar Bergman’s hometown – Sweden, which said: “it was impossible to find any information about the region until you opened the package, and found out that there was a mismatch of regions.” And the following replies all told him the obvious fact such as “I’m surprised you didn’t know as the region A coding is common knowledge with Criterion. You should have kept it and bought either a m/r player or spare Region A machine.” Besides this interesting “worst” review, there was even a customer complaining that: “IT IS NOT A CHRISTMAS MOVIE!”…

Surely, what Ingmar Bergman wanted to represent in this almost 3-hour masterpiece was not only the festive occasion of the during the big family’s Christmas reunion. Continuing his early film “Wild Strawberries”, to express the open and pluralistic thinking of life through the experience from external events. This kind of internal discussion had run through his entire film career. Especially in his representative work “The Seventh Seal”, the searching for the meaning of life was embodied by a nearly mythologized way.

*The film criticism was written by Simplified Chinese at first (which is my mother tongue), then I translated into English for your reading convenience. And down there is the original version.



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