Lion On Films (Volume 1)

Frankly speaking, the film “Mulholland Dr.” is not that difficult to understand, what had David Lynch done is to disorganize the plot of a detailedly created complex case and remix it again.  The same “nonlinear narrative” pattern was successfully used in Christopher Nolan’s first film which was called “Following” already. The creating process is like to put the essential elements of a complete film (such as the characters, events and key items) into a giant blender, disintegrating, and then recombine them.

It seems to be pretty easy as saying, but the procedure will be quite hard to achieve. The smooth story-line at the origin was cut into pieces. Facing so many complex and non-logical human moods and story fragment, how to assemble them properly so as to make people understand the whole thing? And what makes the situation more perplexed is that the viewers have their own thinking methods. In contrast with the one or two story-branches of the mentioned film “Following”, “Mulholland Dr.” has such a bulky and complicated story structure. To control the operation on the whole level, which shows the extraordinary talent of the film director.

*The film criticism was written by Simplified Chinese at first (which is my mother tongue), then I translated into English for your reading convenience. And down there is the original version.



What’s On Your Wall? (Episode 1)

When you were invited to a new friend’s house, what will you see at the first sight?

“Er, Wait a second…” Yeah, I know for sure you are thinking, so I’d like to reveal my answer now. Of course, I am just a maverick person who don’t care your thought.

The first thing I saw commonly in a stranger’s house is the stuff hanging on the wall. Maybe it will be a painting, a photography, a basso-relievo, a diploma, a rifle, a bear skin, a moose head, a Chinese fan, a gaint dick or anything else, even you can’t name it.

“Iceland’s Penis Museum Curator on What ‘The Final Member’ Gets Wrong”

And now to be serious, the thing on the wall, which can be directly noticed by the everyone, generally shows the art taste and personal character of the house-owner. So, let’s see some photos to find out the fact.

*All the following images are collected from Internet.*

This is a quite modern space, we can see there are two fake paintings with the iconic style of Andy Warhol. Yes, there are counterfeits. As we all know, Andy Warhol usually didn’t paint a picture, he printed it. The process he used is call “silk-screen printing”, which can be understood through the following video:

The famous artworks by Andy Warhol was the Marilyn Monroe series. From this display we may realize the way of colour-using in the original paintings are obviously different from the ones mentioned above.

Although these are two imitation printings, due to the attractive words such as “Andy Warhol”, “Marilyn Monroe” and “Pop Art”, they reflects the modern climate. And these kind of art-pieces are normally regarded as a symbol of wealth for the crazy deal-prices in the auction. Besides, the delighted colour and beautiful celebrity make the viewers feel both joyful to eye and comfortable by heart.

To be continued in next episode…